Welcome to MENTOR dna

Welcome to MENTOR dna, a leadership podcast hosted by Meesh Pierce. I welcome you to drop in as I talk to my c-suite friends about what makes them tick, lessons they’ve learned through their career successes and failures, and memories we share through the decades spent growing up in our careers. MENTOR dna is your backstage pass to learning how to reach your next career goal - whether as a manager or serving on a board.

Recent podcast guests

wharton professor pete fader

Pete Fader – Wharton Marketing Professor

Pete is my favorite Wharton professor. There I’ve said it! His deep interest in data, passion for teaching, and drawing out curiosities from his students changed my career. He shares his journey as a young professor all the way through selling an analytics company focused on customer lifetime value to Nike. Using the same concepts, Pete and his partners applied them to corporate valuation, which has been extremely appealing to investment banks, private equity companies and venture funds.

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Deanna Lyn Descartes Labs

Deanna Lyn – Head of Commercial Sales, Descartes Labs

I met Deanna playing beach volleyball at the Malibu pier when we were 19. Despite our very different backgrounds, we became fast friends and spent much time after work playing volleyball. Through the years, Deanna continues to impress me with her creative approach to technical enterprise sales, her ability to close deals no one considers possible, all while maintaining strong relationships and building camaraderie on her teams. She works hard and plays hard and I’ve learned so much from her.

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Gary Addeo

Gary Addeo – Pastor, Sales Lead, AAA Pitcher

I consider Gary Addeo family. He and his wife have been by our sides through the many ups and downs in life, and cares for people deeply. He’s a stellar example of treating others as you’d want to be treated and turning to scripture in times of uncertainty. He’s lead within a handful of companies as a sales executive and has also served his community as a pastor. He now does both in a small Pacific Northwest community and continues to touch the lives of many on his journey.

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MENTOR dna's host

Meesh Pierce is a former executive who’s worked with fantastic leaders throughout her career in tech, entertainment, and corporate and non-profit boards. MENTOR dna brings these leaders into the spotlight to share their stories. Consider MENTOR dna your VIP coaching session with  hard-to-reach executives across a variety of industries.  

Leadership books

Following is an extensive list of recommended leadership books from my podcast guests. 

  • Getting to Yes

    Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In.

  • The Goal

    The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement

  • Stocks for the Long Run

    Stocks for the Long Run: The Definitive Guide to Financial Market Returns & Long-Term Investment Strategies

  • Team of Rivals

    Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln

  • The One Minute Manager

    The New One Minute Manager offers a way for you to succeed sooner with less stress in changing times—both at work and at home.

  • Good to Great

    Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't